An Insightful Online Survey of the Town Planning Profession

Nov 22, 2013

The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) recently appointed Enventure Research to conduct a survey of its members, in order to gain useful information about aspects of RTPI membership such as members awareness of and use of services, reasons for membership and participation in RTPI activities.


The survey was designed by the RTPI and Enventure Research and was hosted online for a four-week period in October 2013. This was made available to all RTPI members (approximately 23,000 members) via a variety of methods and an overall response rate of 25% was achieved, with 5,718 members participating in the research an excellent response rate which provided confident statistical analysis.


Enventure Research provided detailed analysis of the survey results, allowing a clear picture of RTPI members to be established. A research report detailed the complete findings and further recommendations.

